Sponsors & Exhibitors

The WCEE2024 will constitute an excellent opportunity for different types of organisations to share with the world’s seismic engineering community their own excellence in research, technology and commitment in the field of risk mitigation.

We thus look forward to partner with your company/institution/association, through the sponsorship or exhibitor opportunities that you find laid out in our dedicated Sponsorship Booklet, or through any other alternative collaboration scheme that you will want to discuss with us.

Here is the floor plan of the exhibition area as of 1st May 2024.
Booth areas shaded in grey and/or surrounded in black are currently unavailable.
Please ask the Organising Secretariat for further information and for the updated availability.

Please do contact our sponsorship specialist: Beatrice Bergamasco
email: wcee2024.sponsor@aimgroup.eu
phone: +39 340 5841305

Below you may find hyperlinked logos of the organisations that have already entered a sponsorship/exhibitor agreement with us, listed in chronological order of subscription.